GSRM6-40.5 36KV Gas Insulated Switchgear

GSRM6-40.5 36KV Gas Insulated Switchgear

GSRM6-40.5 33KV 36KV Series are a new type SF6 gas-insulated compact switchgears. Circuit breakers, disconnectors, and other parts are enclosed in 3mm-thick metal containers filled with a low-pressure SF6 gas. Thus, the equipment is compact, reliable, and safe; free of environmental impacts, free maintenance and long service life, etc.
GRM6-40.5 Series switchgears are suitable for control, protection and monitoring of 40.5 kV, three-phase, single busbar electrical system, widely used in generating companies, mining, etc.


GSRM6-40.5 33KV 36KV Series are a new type SF6 gas-insulated compact switchgears. Circuit breakers, disconnectors, and other parts are enclosed in 3mm-thick metal containers filled with a low-pressure SF6 gas. Thus, the equipment is compact, reliable, and safe; free of environmental impacts, free maintenance and long service life, etc.
GRM6-40.5 Series switchgears are suitable for control, protection and monitoring of 40.5 kV, three-phase, single busbar electrical system, widely used in generating companies, mining, etc.

Applicable Standars

IEC 62271-1:High-voltage switchgear and controlgear-Part 1: Common specifications
IEC 62271-100 :High-voltage switchgear and controlgear–Part 100: Alternating-current circuit-breakers
IEC 62271-102 High-voltage switchgear and controlgear–Part 102: Alternating current disconnectors and earthing switches
IEC 62271-103 High-voltage switchgear and controlgear–Part 103: Switches for rated voltages above 1 kV and up to and including 52 kV
IEC 62271-105 High-voltage switchgear and controlgear–Part 105: Alternating current switch-fuse combinations
IEC 62271-200:High-voltage switchgear and controlgear–Part 200: AC metal-enclosed switchgear and controlgear for rated voltage above 1kV and up to and including 52 kV
IEC 60044-2:Instrument transformers–Part 2: Inductive voltage transformers
IEC 60044-1:Instrument transformers–Part 1:Current transformers

Use Conditions

Altitude: ≤4000m★
Ambient air temperature: -25℃~+40℃;
Relative air humidity: daily average ≤95%, monthly average ≤90%;
Seismic intensity ≤8 class;
Places free from fire, explosion, serious contamination, chemical corrosion and severe vibration.
Note★: The manufacturer must be consulted in advance if site altitude is over 1000 m so as to adjust the inflation pressure.

Model meaning


Technical Parameters

No. Descriptions Unit Value
1 Rated voltage kV 33  36  40.5
2 Rated frequency Hz 50 60
3 Rated continuous current A 630  1250
4 Rated
level (Ud,
Up, )
Between phase and phase to earth kV 95
Across the isolating distance kV 118
Auxiliary and control circuits (Ua) kV 2
voltage (Up)
Between phase and phase to earth kV 185
Across the isolating distance kV 215
5 Rated short-time withstand current (Ik/tk) kA/s 25/4 , 31.5/4
6 Rated peak withstand current (Ip) kA 63, 80
7 Rated short-circuit breaking current (Isc) kA 25, 31.5
8 Rated short-circuit making current kA 63, 80
9 Circuit breaker electrical endurance / 30 times
10 Rated operating sequence. / O-0.3s-CO-180s-CO
11 Mechanical endurance Circuit breaker Ops 20000
Disconnectors/Earthing switches Ops 5000
12 Resistance of the circuit 630A μΩ ≤120
1250A μΩ ≤80
13 Rated gas- filled pressure (the pressure at 20 °C) MPa 0.02
14 Annual leakage rate (relative pressure) / ≤0.01%
15 Isolation medium / SF6
16 Degree of protection
Isolation medium / IP2XC
Gas tank / IP67
Enclosure / IP41
Enclosure / IK10
17 Classification IAC and Internal IAC / A-FLR , 31.5 kA 1s

Outline dimension